Action Day – Monday 1st May 2023

ACTION DAY 1 May 2023This coming Bank Holiday Monday, leave the telly at home, get out in the fresh air and make a difference.

Meet former Green Party Leader Baroness Natalie Bennett and like-minded people in Orton Longuville and help the Green Party to re-elected Heather Skibsted.

We are so close to the finish line but just need your help this Monday to deliver their last leaflet and talk to voters.

Please do come on May 1st either for a morning session from 11am or afternoon from 1pm.

To register your interest and for full details please do click below

Whether you can come for the full day or just morning or afternoon, we’d be thrilled to have you join us!


Sign up now for information on where to meet us!
Sign Up here – 1 May
Look forward to seeing you there!
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